Summer Eyes

Photo by Chris Kazzi

Did you remember the bright blue sky

Just like your eyes, of icy and cloudy and peaceful as it always be

A platonic move of charm and warm

A deep dynamic of connoisseur and paramour

Like a painting of summer skye

A tomb of every dejection and rejection

Once again bloom in the sierra of excitement

An infatuous melancholy, evoking the end of old era

Of crickets

Buzzing in whisper, swarming in loneliness

Of vacation break

The shenanigans of two raptorous youngsters, both in love

with the summer sky beneath

and the eyes within.

Did you hear the music?

You asked


And as always, the burst of laugh escaped

As honest as I could be,

That, too

Would be the enjoyable symphony of orchestra I would play in repeat

The heartbeat

The smell of sunburnt hair, each layer revealing the giddical pleasant of surprise

The fingertaps softly,

of skin and lips

what a perfect concinnity

of what lovers and fellow would be.

body of water by the island
Photo by Tobias Tullius

May I turn back the time

I asked softly

Against the Chronos who oversees all, but the amorous luminaries?

We might be young and stupid

But what is affection if not?

A summer ice melted at one point

A water evaporated at one point

So did the burning desire, for one will vanish into the ashes of absence.

Where’d you go?

He echoed, a mumble of dizziness and dubiety.

I walked.

and walked.

and walked.

and walked.

like an endless road, i walked without returning back.

but do you mind if I spare the distance tonight?

for this desolation might throb my fortress in a single blow.

do you mind if I recollect you into the portrait of my mind?

for this withdrawal might be intoxicating,

much hurting than the dysporia of the falling in love.

do you mind, if the summer ice stand still, for the winter will come in sorrority in no time.

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