A Letter to My Unborn Baby

 To my Unborn Baby, who will never be his baby anymore.

Dear my Unborn Baby,

You must be struggling so hard inside my womb.

Mom does not have a healthy womb, Mom is trying to prepare for your conceive soon or later by going to OB-GYN.

Mom feels sad, because the doctor says that Mom has difficulties to mature up the eggs, one of your part.

But Mom does not want to give up. Mom wants to have you in my arms, cradle between crook of my neck, and listened to your cry.

Mom went to so many OB-GYN to make my womb healthy, so you can be born well, too.

Mom is having cramps, terrible ones, and the lower back pain is also killing Mom.

But Mom will get through it so you can be delivered safely in this world.

To My Unborn Baby,

I’m sorry. We cannot meet.

Not now. Not even later.

Dad and Mom decide to call it an end. To not be able to move forward. To not be able to walk on the same path anymore.

Dad and Mom are trying our best to be together, but things are getting bigger, Mom has to let go Dad, and vice versa.

It is hard to understand, and Mom does not ask for your understanding.

Mom just asks for forgiveness.

To my Unborn Baby,

My dream is to carry you wherever Dad goes to study.

Mom will let Dad spread his wings, and we will fly together even to the corner most of the world.

You will grow up in cultural diversity, to learn your identity, and to stand firm in the curiosity.

To my Unborn Baby,

Mom is really sorry for not making it through. Dad is also sorry for not making it through.

You will never been born in this world.

Not now, not even later.

To my Unborn Baby,

Dad has been treating Mom so good.

Mom does not want a baby before, but in his presence, Mom wants to name you and being called 'Mom'.

Mom and Dad have 10 million reasons to love each others.

But eventually we fall upon 1 single thing we could not do so well.

That results in you never will be born in this world.

To my Unborn Baby,

Mom loves you so much.

Dad loves you so much.

We love you so much. You were our hope. You were our happiness.

We are really glad we once considered you as part of our future family.

If you are a boy, then you would have Dad’s eyes.

If you are a girl, then you would have Mom’s hair.

We are sorry for the things we caused to your unborn.

We are sorry for the things we couldn’t have together.

We love you, Unborn Baby.

We love you so much.

Thank you for being part of our hope. Thank you for being part of why we work and have struggled so much.

Thank you for being part of this family planning for almost 6 years.


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